Boomerang Partners Boomerang Partners
Boomerang Partners
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Registration Boomerang Partners
Boomerang Partners
Application Form for SIGMA World 2023

    What is the name of your Team? What is the name of your Company?

    What is your contact?

    Did you ever worked with Boomerang Partners before?

    What is your preferred type of deal?

    What type / source of traffic do you offer?

    What are your EU GEO-Partners?

    What are your Geo-Partners in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Oceania?

    What are your GEO-Partners in Americas?

    What GEOs have the best Volumes for you?

    Do you offer Sportsbook traffic?

    What types of Sportsbook traffic can you offer and which GEOs?

    Do you offer Crypto Online Casino traffic?

    What types of Crypto Crypto traffic can you offer and which GEOs?

    Managers name

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